Saturday, September 12, 2009


This blog has been created as an emotional archive for housing any memories of this man called Manoj. It is not intended to be judgemental on the way he lived, the things he did or didnt, or the way he left.

To try and remember manoj, brushing away his habits and issues like dusty cobwebs is a must. as the dust settles we will see silhouette and soul.

A simple belief that through the retelling of various incidents, events, escapades and adventures, manoj lives again, through their recollection.


  1. Remember
    I will still be here
    As long as you hold me
    In your memory,
    remember me....

    ~A song by Josh Groban~
    Let us cherish some memorable moments and relive them now that the man himself is no more .....

  2. Uyirodu irukumpodhu vida.....setha pinbudhan madhipu koodom
